You know what one of my pet peeves is? When a TV chef proclaims that the only good use for a microwave is popcorn. As a family that would starve without a microwave, I take slight offense. So what do you think a microwave hater would say if I *gasp* microwaved an oyster to steam it open?

A friend of mine, who is also a successful wholesale seafood distributor and oyster lover, told me that when he wants to steam just a handful of oysters, he pops them in the microwave.
Say what?? All I envisioned was exploding shell parts.
We happened to have a dozen oysters left over from a dinner party the other night, so I tried microwaving them. It's genius. And I can't wait to share it with you.
Step One:
Place an oyster on a paper towel or microwave-safe plate with the curved side down to make sure you don't lose the oyster liquor.
Step Two:
Microwave on high for
one minute.
Keep an eye on it. As soon as the shells separate, the oyster is ready to eat. I microwaved 6 single oysters - all about 3 1/2 inches long - and each one took between 55 sec. and 1 min, 7 sec.
Step Three:
After the oyster shell "pops" open, remove it from the microwave and pry off the top oyster shell (with a
Harbor Island Signature Oyster Knife, of course) and pluck the oyster meat out of the shell.

My husband likes his oysters "well done" - so that they shrivel a little. I prefer them rare to medium-rare - so that they burst open when you bite down on them and they release their briny goodness. My microwaved oysters steamed my oysters to the perfect temperature - plump and delicious. I guess if you left them in the microwave longer they would begin to shrivel, but I was making these oysters for me, so I cooked them to my taste.
After my experiment microwaving the six oysters, I only had six oysters left, so I decided to microwave three of them at a time. You know how when you cook a Hot Pocket, one Hot Pocket takes 2 minutes but two Hot Pockets take close to 4 minutes. There's really no benefit to cooking two at a time.

The opposite seems to be true when microwaving oysters. I placed all three on a plate (cup side down) and set the timer for one minute. I only needed 45 seconds. I tried it again with the last three oysters and I had the same experience.
Three oysters. 45 seconds. They were just as good as when I microwaved them individually. Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Just a note: I haven't experimented with cluster oysters. I think there may be some issues with the sea juice (oyster liquor) leaking out, so I would stick with singles. My experiment was with Eastern oysters (Crassostrea Virginica). If you happen to experiement with clusters, please post here and let me know how it goes.
One of the hardest to open shell foods is the oyster though it is delicious, you definitely pay for what does this food taste like. Good thing you suggested easier way to cook it without using the stove or cooking it in a pan. I guess, I need to upgrade my own microwave oven into something that could fit in at least a dozen of oysters.