Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Oyster Bucket List: 25 Top Oyster Experiences

I talk a lot about my Oyster Bucket List on this blog.  Until now, it's always been an informal list bouncing around in my head of oyster-related things I want to do.  I finally decided to write it down, make it real, and share it with my favorite oyster people at Oyster Stew.  I've had the honor of checking off the first one. Can't wait to plan for the rest!


There are actually 100's of oyster farms, restaurants, people and experiences that are on my mental list. My official bucket list is a mix of classics and my own desires.  Please let me know what else you would include on the list.

1 comment:

  1. UPDATE: No sooner did I finalize the list of Top 25 - when I have to add a new one. I just posted about the Laurel, America's oldest oyster boat, which will soon launch as an oyster bar.

    Here's the direct link: http://blog.harborislandoyster.com/2013/03/saving-laurel-americas-oldest-oyster.html
